Monday 21 October 2013

Windows RT 8.1 rollback leaves a bad taste in the mouth for the tech world

Microsoft’s much-awaited Windows 8.1 update started to rollout over the weekend but the fanfare was cut short thanks to Microsoft rolling back the Windows RT 8.1 update citing a situation as the reason for it. It isn’t clear what went wrong or when it is expected to be fixed, leaving a lot of users who were looking forward to the update in the lurch. 

Add to it the fact that some users are reporting certain boot data being damaged and the dreaded BSoD affecting their Surface devices post the update, and Microsoft surely seems to have a situation on their hands. “To call this embarrassing for Microsoft is something of an understatement,” says Peter Bright of Ars Technica. “While x86 PCs have extraordinary diversity, in terms of hardware, software, and drivers—all things that can prevent straightforward upgrading—the Windows RT devices are extremely limited in this regard. Upgrading Windows RT tablets should be absolutely bulletproof. It's very disappointing that it isn't.”

Computerworld too echoes the sentiment, “The snafu was an embarrassment for Microsoft, as its Surface RT tablet, which debuted a year ago, has been the only Windows RT-powered device that has sold in any meaningful quantity,” writes Gregg Keizer.
Feeling the blues
Feeling the blues

The struggle to update Surface tablets has been a particularly painful one for most Microsoft users. Mary Jo Foley for ZDNet writes, “I managed to update my Surface RT to Windows RT 8.1 on October 17 after several attempts to get the device to find the update. I have heard from a number of other Windows RT users who've had similar difficulties in locating and getting the update process to begin on their ARM-based Microsoft-made and OEM devices.” Or you could have just gone with Engadget’s headline that hits the nail right on the head, “Don't even bother trying to upgrade to Windows RT 8.1 today.”

Spare a thought for Microsoft amidst all the upgrade drama, though. TechCrunch’s Alex Wilhelm points out, “Microsoft is likely pissed that it had to yank the update – it was hoping for a very smooth Windows 8.1 update cycle.” The company better be counting its blessings, he suggests,“Still, if the error had been present in the vanilla Windows 8.1 update, and not its RT flavor, the embarrassment would have been greatly magnified. Windows RT, of course, is a sliver when compared with Windows 8.”

Does the embarrassment get magnified considering factors like other manufacturers abandoning RT? “As it stands now, Microsoft is the only vendor that has stuck with Windows RT; other OEM (original equipment manufacturer) partners have dumped the operating system from their lineups. Dell, the last besides Microsoft to support the tablet-specific OS, said three weeks ago that it had no plan to refresh its Windows RT tablets,” Keizer points out in his article. 

PCWorld’s Brad Chacos looks at the brighter side instead, “And for what it's worth, the Surface 2 tablets launching on Tuesday ship with Windows RT 8.1 preinstalled, so you don't have to worry about running into upgrade woes if you've already plunked down preorder cash for Microsoft's self-made tablet.” However, if you still are upset about your precious Surface tablet being troubled by this update, Kick That Computer has a solution. 

Take a look at what the social world seems to be saying about the failed update:
 View image on Mashable website

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